Score Confidence gives you the power to know your true score in total confidence. Other online scores may vary from what lenders use. Don’t be stuck wondering why a lender may say your score is lower than what you saw online. Shop with confidence by ordering through My Mortgage Score today.
My Mortgage Score vs. Free Score
My Mortgage Score Benefits
Have Confidence.
Avoid Lender rate quote shock. Be in position to negotiate for better rates.
Own Your Score.
The freedom to get REAL rate quotes from whom YOU choose.
No Trigger Calls.
Your information is secure. Avoid hundreds of calls from random lenders.
No Added Costs.
One time purchase with no monthly commitments.
Big Savings.
Spend a little now (only $48.00) to save big on your future.
Free Scores Downfall
Not Accurate.
Score models can vary 30-90+ points. Most free or $1 online scores will not be the model that lenders use to evaluate you for a deal!
Additional Add-On Fees.
Sites typically look for monthly fees or continued services.
No Privacy.
Your information may be resold hundreds of times.
Trigger lead solicitations.
Other lenders will call you and try to solicitate your business.
Preparation is Power.
Save big money on interest rates, insurance rates, and more.
Preparation: Ensure the accuracy of your report information and see the current number your mortgage credit score is. Now you can shop with confidence.
Savings: Save big money on interest rates, insurance rates and more for only $48.00
Leverage: When shopping for a Mortgage, be in the position to negotiate the best rates and lowest fees. You can choose to show your "My Morgage Score" report to different lenders to receive quotes.
Privacy Protection: Avoid what is called Trigger Lead solicitation which could result in 50-200 plus phone calls from a hard, lender pulled inquiry on your credit file.